JavaScript is a versatile, high-level programming language that is primarily used for adding interactivity, dynamic content, and complex functionality to web pages. It runs in the browser, allowing web developers to create engaging and interactive user experiences. JavaScript can also be used on the server side, with environments like React.js.
Javascript Course Content
Introduction to JavaScript
- What is JavaScript?
- History and evolution of JavaScript
- How JavaScript works in the browser (client-side scripting)
- Embedding JavaScript in HTML (internal, external, and inline scripts)
- JavaScript syntax (case sensitivity, semicolons, and comments)
Variables and Data Types
- Declaring variables using var, let, and const
- JavaScript data types
- Type conversion (implicit and explicit)
- Checking data types with typeof
- Arithmetic operators
- Assignment operators
- Comparison operators
- Logical operators
- Conditional operator
- Ternary operator
- Operator precedence
Control Flow
- Conditional statements:
- if, else if, else
- Switch statement (switch case)
- Loops:
- for loop
- while loop
- do...while loop
- Loop control with break and continue
- Defining and calling functions
- Function parameters and arguments
- Returning values from functions
- Function expressions and anonymous functions
- Arrow functions (=> syntax)
Objects and Arrays
- Creating objects (object literals)
- Accessing and modifying object properties
- Object methods
- Arrays
- Introduction to event-driven programming
- Handling events with addEventListener
- Common events:
- Click events (onclick)
- Mouse events (onmouseover, onmouseout, mousemove)
- Keyboard events (onkeydown, onkeyup)
- Form events (onsubmit, onchange)
- Event object and its properties
DOM Manipulation
- What is the DOM (Document Object Model)?
- Selecting elements with:
- getElementById
- getElementsByClassName
- getElementsByTagName
- querySelector and querySelectorAll
- Modifying DOM elements:
- Changing HTML content (innerHTML, textContent)
- Changing styles (style property)
- Adding and removing classes (classList)
- Creating and appending new elements to the DOM
Error Handling
- Understanding errors in JavaScript (syntax vs runtime errors)
- Using try, catch, finally blocks
- Throwing custom errors with throw
Timers and Intervals
- Using setTimeout for delayed actions
- Using setInterval for repeated actions
- Clearing timers with clearTimeout and clearInterval
JavaScript Objects and Built-in Methods
- Built-in objects
- String methods (toUpperCase, toLowerCase, slice, substring, split)
- Array methods (filtering, reducing, sorting arrays)