CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a style sheet language used to control the presentation and layout of HTML elements on a web page. CSS enables developers to apply styles like colors, fonts, spacing, and positioning, enhancing the visual appearance of websites and creating responsive designs for different devices.
css3 Cousre Content
Introduction to CSS
- What is CSS?
- How CSS works with HTML
- Benefits of using CSS for styling web pages
- CSS Syntax and structure
CSS Selectors
- Basic selectors
- Grouping selectors
- Attribute selectors
- Descendant, child, and sibling selectors (combinators)
Color and Backgrounds
- Defining colors
- Background properties
- Gradient backgrounds
Text Styling
- Font properties
- Text properties
CSS Box Model
- Understanding the box model
- Setting width and height for elements
- Box model properties
Layout and Positioning
- Display types
- Positioning
- Floating elements with float and clearing floats
- Centering content (horizontally and vertically)
CSS Flexbox (Introduction)
- Flex container and flex items
- Flexbox properties:
- Creating responsive layouts using Flexbox
CSS Grid (Introduction)
- Grid container and grid items
- Basic grid properties
- Aligning items in the grid
Borders and Shadows
- Border properties:
- Box shadows (box-shadow)
- Text shadows (text-shadow)
Pseudo-classes and Pseudo-elements
- Pseudo-classes
- Pseudo-elements
Responsive Design Basics
- Introduction to responsive web design
- Using media queries
- Responsive units
CSS Transitions and Animations (Introduction)
- Creating transitions
- Basic keyframe animations